and give instructions to the staff ? スタッフに指示を出すのが 当然でしょ?
he then began to give instructions in tea ceremony himself in tokyo . そして、東京で自ら茶道の指導を行うようになる。
he gave him a family name of toyoda and let the successive generations of these family give instructions . これに豊田の姓を与えて代々伝授させた。
angels who have special missions sometimes come down to the lowest spiritual world to communicate with humans specially and give instructions to humans . 特別の使命を持つ天使は、最下級の霊界まで降って来て人間に特別な通信をしたり、指示したりする事がある。
on this day , samurai families would take ancestral armor and kabuto (helmets ) to the inner parlor (also for the purpose of airing them ) and place decorated hatasashi-mono (battle flags ) in the hallway; and the family heads would give instructions to their children . この日武士の家庭では、虫干しをかねて先祖伝来の鎧や兜を奥座敷に、玄関には旗指物(幟)を飾り、家長が子供達に訓示を垂れた。